Installing clearFusionCMS

Create a MySQL Database

clearFusionCMS requires a database in order to operate, this can normally be created via your web hosting control panel. If you have issues, your web hosting provider will be able to help you create a database and user through which to access it.

Creating a Database on a cPanel Based Server

The following provides the steps required to create a MySQL database under a cPanel hosting account, the database name, username and password needs to be recorded for later use.
  1. Within cPanel select MySQL Databases.
  2. In the New Database box enter the name for the new database e.g. cms
  3. Click Create Database.
  4. The next page shows "Added the Database example_cms” where example is your account name, record this information as the name of your database.
  5. Click Go Back.
  6. In the Username box enter the name for the user that will connect to the database e.g. cms
  7. Enter a Password for the user.
  8. Click Create User.
  9. You will be shown a line "Added user example_cms with password 12345678.” where example is your account name. Record both the username and password for later.
  10. Click Go Back.
  11. From the Add User To Database section, select the user and database that you just created from the respective drop downs.
  12. Click Add.
  13. Click All Privileges.
  14. Click Make Changes.
  15. Click Go Back.
  16. Your database is now ready for use.

Upload the Files

Using cPanel File Manager

If you have cPanel access then login to cPanel and select File Manager and web root.

  1. Click Upload
  2. Choose File and select from your computer.
    Note: x.x.x is the version number.
  3. Return back to the file manager
  4. Right click on and select Extract.
  5. Click Extract File(s).
  6. Close the dialog.
  7. Right click on and Delete followed by Delete File(s).
  8. If your web server does NOT run PHP as the account owner then you need to set the permissions on the following folders to 777 (owner, group and other set to read, write, execute). Simply right click on each folder and select Change Permissions:
  9. If you don't already have a .htaccess then rename htaccess.dist to .htaccess otherwise you'll need to merge your custom .htaccess with that supplied with clearFusionCMS.


  1. Create a folder on your PC and unpack the delivery archive to it. The archive will extract all the files to the current folder.
  2. Upload all the files and folders that you just extracted from to your web root which is normally public_html.
    Your web host will be able to advise the correct location to store your files.
  3. If your web server does NOT run PHP as the account owner then you need to set the permissions on the following folders to 777 (owner, group and other set to read, write, execute). The exact method of setting permissions will depend on your FTP client:
  4. If you don't already have a .htaccess then rename htaccess.dist to .htaccess otherwise you'll need to merge your custom .htaccess with that supplied with clearFusionCMS.

Note1: WinZip or 7-Zip can be used to unpack the delivery archive.
Note2: FileZilla, SmartFTP or other FTP client software can be used to upload the files to your web space.

Run the Installer Wizard

Point you web browser to the URL of the web hosting space that you are installing clearFusionCMS on e.g. and follow the on-screen instructions to install clearFusionCMS.

Once completed you will be able to login to the manager interface and begin creating your website.

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