
The HipChat module collects notifications from other modules within the system and forwards them to a room within the HipChat service.


From the dashboard select Settings and then HipChat Settings, from here you can set the HipChat API token and the ID of the room that notifications will be sent to.

To create or obtain a login to your HipChat account and then select GroupAdmin followed by API, under Create new token select the Type as Notification and Enter a meaningful label e.g. My Website Notification Servce and click Create.

New HipChat Access Token

After clicking create a token will be created, take a note of this token as it will be required.

HipChat Token

Next we need the ID of the room notifications will be sent to, click Rooms menu item, then click the name of the room that notifications will be sent to and make a note of the number next to API ID.

HipChat Room ID

Return to the HipChat settings page within your website manager and copy this token and return to the HipChat settings on your website then add the API token and room ID to the respective fields.

Adding HipChat API Tokens to the Module

If everything is correct when you click update settings a message should be sent to the HipChat room.

HipChat Configured.