
Available Since: V1.0.0

Chunk used to format the overlay box showing related products after a product is added to the shopping cart.

fusionCSS 2

<div class="row">
	<div class="span-s3 onAddOverlayImg">[[store.showProductImage &id=`[[+prodID]]`]]</div>
	<div class="span-s9 onAddOverlayDesc">
		<p>[[+qty]] x [[+price]]</p>
<div class="onAddOverlayRelated">
<p class="checkoutNow"><a href="[[+checkoutPageURI]]">[[+checkoutLabel]]</a></p>

Bootstrap 3

<div class="row">
	<div class="col-sm-3 onAddOverlayImg">[[store.showProductImage &id=`[[+prodID]]`]]</div>
	<div class="col-sm-9 onAddOverlayDesc">
		<p>[[+qty]] x [[+price]]</p>
<div class="onAddOverlayRelated">
<p class="checkoutNow"><a href="[[+checkoutPageURI]]">[[+checkoutLabel]]</a></p>

Foundation 5

<div class="row">
	<div class="small-3 columns onAddOverlayImg">[[store.showProductImage &id=`[[+prodID]]`]]</div>
	<div class="small-9 columns onAddOverlayDesc">
		<p>[[+qty]] x [[+price]]</p>
<div class="onAddOverlayRelated">
<p class="checkoutNow"><a href="[[+checkoutPageURI]]">[[+checkoutLabel]]</a></p>
Placeholder Description
addedLabel The text to informat the shopper that the item has been added to the cart.
prodID The ID of the product added to the cart.
prodName The name of the product added to the cart.
prodDesc The description of the product added to the cart.
qty The number of items added to the cart.
price The unit price of the product added to the cart. 
relatedLabel The text to label related products.
relatedProductList The list of related products.
checkoutPageURI The address of the page holding the checkout forms.
checkoutLabel The text to label the checkout link with.
cartPageURI The address of the page holding the shopping cart.