
The search events allow data to be sent to the installed search engine for indexing as well as allowing content to be removed.


Issued before the system performs a reindex of content.


Issued once the system has completed a reindex of content.


Send content to be indexed by the search engine installed within the system.

Parameter Description
path Path to index the content under.
accessPerm The access permission required to access the data.
fields Array of fields and their date to index, always includes title, content, summary, meta_description, meta_keywords and then any custom fields.


Remove the content from the search engine installed within the system.

Parameter Description
path Path to the content to deindex.


Delete the content from the search engine installed within the system.

Parameter Description
path Path to the content to delete.


Move the indexed content from the current location to a new location..

Parameter Description
src The path to the content to move.
dst The path to move the cotent to.