
Available Since: V1.0.0

The blog.archive snippet is used to draw the blog archive. The snippet can either be placed on a document that allows virtual pages or is a container for a blog category.

Parameter Description
A comma separated list of blog categories to include in the archive or `all` to include all categories.

If the snippet is placed on a category container document then the include parameter can be omitted and the archive will be just for the single blog category.

size The size of the post feature image, one of t (tiny), s (small), m (medium), l (large), defaults to s.
wrapperTpl Template chunk to wrap the lists within.
postTpl The chunk to format the post abstracts, defaults to blog.posts.
year If given the year to show posts for.
month If given the month to show posts for.
byDate If set to `1` allows the archive to be accessed by year/month; defaults to 0.
archiveIntro Option name of a chunk to display on the 1st page of the archive.
limit The number of posts to show per page; defaults to 10.
depth Optional depth of categories to descend into, 0 is unlimited.

Default wrapperTpl Chunk

Placeholder Description
posts The list of formatted posts.
pagination The pagination widget if the archive covers multiple pages.