Available Since: V1.0.0
Formatting of a single cart summary line.
<tr> <td><strong>[[+title]]</strong><br /> [[+description]] <div class="qtyprice">[[+skuLabel]] [[+sku]], [[+qtyLabel]] [[+qty]], [[+itemPriceLabel]] [[+price]] [[if &subject=`[[+price2]]` &operator=`!empty` &then=`<span class="price2">([[+price2]])</span>`]] [[if &subject=`[[+giftWrapped]]` &operator=`==` &operand=`1` &then=`, [[+giftWrappedLabel]]`]] </div> </td> <td style="text-align: center; width: 120px;">[[+linePrice]] [[if &subject=`[[+linePrice2]]` &operator=`!empty` &then=`<br /><span class="price2">([[+linePrice2]])</span>`]]</td> </tr>
Placeholder | Description |
title | The product title. |
description | The product description. |
skuLabel | The label for the SKU. |
sku | The SKU of the product. |
qtyLabel | The label for quantity. |
qty | The quantity of the item. |
itemPriceLabel | The label for the items price. |
price | The items price. |
price2 | The secondary price. |
giftWrapped | 1 if the item is to be gift wrapped; else 0. |
giftWrappedLabel | The label to use to indicated gift wrapping. |
linePrice | The line price. |
lincePrice2 | The secondary line price. |