
Available Since: V1.0.0

Formatting of a single cart summary line.

	<td><strong>[[+title]]</strong><br />
		<div class="qtyprice">[[+skuLabel]] [[+sku]], [[+qtyLabel]] [[+qty]], [[+itemPriceLabel]] [[+price]] [[if &subject=`[[+price2]]` &operator=`!empty` &then=`<span class="price2">([[+price2]])</span>`]]
		[[if &subject=`[[+giftWrapped]]` &operator=`==` &operand=`1` &then=`, [[+giftWrappedLabel]]`]]
	<td style="text-align: center; width: 120px;">[[+linePrice]] [[if &subject=`[[+linePrice2]]` &operator=`!empty` &then=`<br /><span class="price2">([[+linePrice2]])</span>`]]</td>
Placeholder Description
title The product title.
description The product description.
skuLabel The label for the SKU.
sku The SKU of the product.
qtyLabel The label for quantity.
qty The quantity of the item.
itemPriceLabel The label for the items price.
price The items price.
price2 The secondary price.
giftWrapped 1 if the item is to be gift wrapped; else 0.
giftWrappedLabel The label to use to indicated gift wrapping.
linePrice The line price.
lincePrice2 The secondary line price.