Available Since: V2.0.1
Query for a list of images within an album.
GET api/1/gallery/images/
Parameter | Description |
album | The ID of the album to query. |
size | The size of the image to return, (t)iny, (s)mall, (m)edium or (l)arge, defaults to m. |
sortBy | The field to sort images by, position, added or title, defaults to position. |
order | The sort order ASC or DESC, defaults to ASC. |
depth | The level of sub albums to search to, defaults to current album only. |
limit | Optional limit on the number of images to return. |
offset | Optional offset in to the image list. |
exclude |
Comma separated list of image IDs to exclude from the returned results. |
{ "totalImages": 1, "images": [ { "src": "http://example.com/album/image/s/test.jpg", "title": "Example 1", "shortdesc": "Example 1 summary", "added": "2015-01-01 10:22", "width": 320, "height": 320, "uri": "http://example.com/location/", "link": "http://example.com/album/" } ] }
Parameter | Description |
totalImages | The total number of images in the album. |
images | The list of images returned. |
src | The location to load the image from. |
title | The title of the image. |
shortdesc | Short description of image. |
added | The date and time the image was added to the album. |
width, height | The size of the image in pixels, or blank if the size is unknown. |
uri | Optional address the image should link to. |
link | The address of the detail page for the image. |