
The news module provides a simple interface to publish news items to the site with news items being fully integrated with the site search. The news module can export RSS feeds of the latest news or a subset of the news.

Initial Setup


Once installed the news module exposes new setting which allow you to set the required size of news items thumbnails, Settings then News and select Thumbnail. The Crop Thumbnail to Size option if ticked will scale and crop the thumbnail is such a way that the resulting image is the exact width and height specified.

Before posting news items the thumbnail sizes should be set as old news items do not pickup new image size.

Integrating with Search

The news module adds three additional fields, news.title, news.story and news.tags, before news items appear in search results you need to select which of these fields are indexed by the search module and which are used for tagging news items.

Select Settings then Search then Search Settings and add the news item fields to the appropriate search fields. Next select the Tag Fields setting and add the news.tags field.

For the changes to take effect the content has to be reindexed, select the clearFusionCMS settings group, Rebuild Search and finally Reindex Content. It can take several minutes to rebuild the search index depending on the amount of data within the CMS.

Setting the Archive Page

For the news system to work fully the news module must be placed on a page. To do this either select an existing Document or create a new Document within the site where you’d like the news archive located. Then in the Content field add:

This snippet call will display the latest news, next from the Document Behavior dropdown select Container for News Archive, this will cause the news archive to be rendered as child pages of this Document.

Document set as news container

Keeping it Clean for Search Engines

The news module will publish intermediary pages within the site to hold month and year archives, in most cases these server no useful function by being indexed by search engines, therefore the news module outputs additional placeholders which contain robots meta data.

If you have an existing robots meta line within your template then you use the [[+news.metaRobotsAttribs]] placeholder:

<meta name="robots" content="noodp,noydir[[+news.metaRobotsAttribs]]" />

While if you don't currently have a robots meta line you can use the alternative placeholder [[+news.metaRobots]] and simply place it anywhere between <head> and </head>.