
A placeholder is a special piece of text which is placed in a document, template or chunk and when the content is output to the browser the placeholder is replaced with some value. The value could be the content of the document or a dynamically generated value such as the current system time.

An example place holder is:


The placeholder will be replaced with the value associated with it and the output stored in the page cache.

If the output of the placeholder should not be cached then you need to use the form:


* can be used in place of + if the placeholder should be parsed before the rest of the template, usually used for including content [[*content]].

Standard Placeholders

The following table details the standard set of placeholders available to all documents:

Placeholder Description
[[+id]] The ID of the current document.
[[+title]] The document title.
[[+subtitle]] The document subtitle.
[[+meta_title]] The meta title.
[[+meta_description]] The meta description.
[[+meta_keywords]] The meta keywords.
[[+summary]] The document summary.
[[+content]] The document content.
[[+siteuri]] The URL of the site.
[[+sitelang]] The site language normally used in:
<html lang="[[+sitelang]]">
[[+sitename]] The name of the site.
[[+lastupdated]] The date and time of the last update.
[[+publishedat]] The date and time the document was published.

The following table details the extra placeholders available on error pages.

Placeholder Description
[[+error_code]] The error code (only available on error pages).
[[+error_name]] The name of the error (only available on error pages).
[[+error_message]] The error message (only available on error pages).