
The store module provides snippets and new manager functionality to allow you to manage a product catalog. It relies on the cart module to handle the purchasing options and invoice storage therefore you must install and configure the cart module before you start using the store.

Note: For the store module to function correctly it requires clearFusionCMS 1.2.0 or later

Initial Setup

Integrating with Search

The store module adds additional fields, store.title, store.shortdesc, store.content, store.tags, store.sku, store.meta_title, store.meta_description and store.meta_keywords which can be indexed by the site search. However before products can appear in search results you must to select which of these fields are indexed and which are used for tagging products.

Select Settings then Search then Search Settings and add the store fields to the appropriate search fields. Next select the Tag Fields setting and add the store.tags field to it.

For the changes to take effect the content has to be reindexed, select the clearFusionCMS settings group, Rebuild Search and finally Reindex Content. It can take several minutes to rebuild the search data depending on the size of your website.

Default CSS

The store module includes a default style sheet to get you started, just add one of the following above </head> in your template to include it:

When using a CSS framework

<link href="system/modules/store/store_framework.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

When not using a CSS framework

<link href="system/modules/store/store.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

While the default CSS provides a useful stating point in most cases you will want to refine the style for your site.