
Available Since: V1.0.0

The cart.checkout snippet must be placed uncached on a document which will then host the entire checkout system.

Parameter Description
allowShippingAddress Flags if the order can have a different billing and shipping address, `1` to allow this, defaults to `0`.
allowRegistration Flags if users can register for an account during checkout, `1` to enable registration, defaults to `0`.
withUsername Flags if users must choose a username when they create an account, `1`, defaults to `0`.
allowGuest Flags if shoppers can checkout as guests, `1`, defaults to `0`.
loginByUsername Flags if shoppers can use their username to login to existing accounts, `1`, defaults to `0`.
loginByEmail Flags if shoppers can use their email address to login to existing accounts, `1`, defaults to `0`.
pwdReset The optional ID of the document holding the password reset forms.
secureCheckout If given then if set to `1` payment gateways will be passed the checkout page address as https or `0` to pass the address as http. If this parameter is not given then the current access method will be used.
optPhone If given as `1` makes the phone number optional.
optAddr If given as `1` makes the address optional.
noStateOther If given as `1` removes state other.
noCompany If given as `1` removes the company field.
onCompleted If given the name of a snippet to call once checkout has been completed e.g. cart.googleEcommerceTrack. The parameter order contains an instance of cartOrder.