
Available Since: V1.0.0

Displays a form to allow a product to be added to the shopping cart. This allows for simple shops to be created where the store only have 3 or 4 products and the full store module is not needed.

Parameter Description
stock Optional stock level for the item.
sku The products Stock Keeping Unit, this must be unique to the product.
name The product name.
price The product price.
productClass The product class as defined in the manager.
description Optional product description.
minQty The minimum quantity that can be ordered.
showPrice Show the product price, `1`, defaults to `1`.
digitalDelivery Flags if the product is delivered digitally `1` or physically `0`, defaults to `0`. 
noQty Flags if the quantity should be hidden, `1`, or shown `0`, defaults to `0`.
caption The caption for the buy button, defaults to `Add to Cart`.
cartPage The ID of the document holding the shopping cart, if given a link to it will be shown when a product is added to the cart.
showCart The ID of the document holding the shopping cart. if given the user will be redirected to this page when a product is added to the cart.
noLink Flags if links to product pages should not be included in the cart, `1`, defaults to `0`.