
Available Since: V1.0.0

The snippet shows the contents of the shopping cart, it's designed to be placed uncached on shop pages to give an overview of the items currently in the cart.

Parameter Description
detailed Flags if a detailed view of the cart contents should be shown, `1`, or if a simple total price and number of items should be shown, `0`, defaults to `0`.
wrapperTpl The wrapper chunk for detailed cart views.
itemTpl The per item chunk for the detailed cart views.
buttonTpl The formatting of the view cart button for detailed cart views.
simpleTpl Optional template for formatting the simple cart.
cartPage Optional ID of the view cart page, if given a link to it is generated.

Default wrapperTpl Chunk

<ul class="cartcontents">[[+items]]<li class="totalItems">[[+totalItems]]</li><li class="subtotal">[[+subTotal]]</li>[[+viewCart]][[+checkout]]</ul>
Placeholder Description
items The cart item lines, formatted by itemTpl.
totalItems The total number of items currently in the cart.
subTotal The subtotal of the items in the cart.
viewCart The button/link to view the full cart.
checkout The button/link to move to the checkout.

Default itemTpl Chunk

<li>[[if &subject=`[[+uri]]` &operator=`!empty` &then=`<a href="[[+uri]]">[[+title]]</a>` &else=`[[+title]]`]]<div class="description">[[+description]]</div><div class="qtyprice">[[+qtyPrice]]</div></li>
Placeholder Description
uri The address of the page holding the product.
title The product name.
 qtyPrice The quantity and price of the cart. 

Default buttonTplChunk

<li class="[[+class]]"><a href="[[+uri]]" rel="nofollow">[[+label]]</a></li>
Placeholder Description
class viewCart or viewCheckout depending on which button/link is being drawn.
uri The address to send the shopper to.
label The label for the button/link.


Not present by default.

Placeholder Description
items Count of the items in the cart.
link Address of the view cart page.
total The total value of the cart contents.