Available Since: V1.0.0
Displays a users history of orders, to work it must be placed on a document which is accessible by authenticated users. Guest users can only query specific orders using the cart.orderStatus snippet.
Note: The document must be set to allow virtual pages.
Parameter | Description |
wrapperTpl | The chunk to format the list of previous orders. |
lineTpl | The chunk to format each line of the previous orders table. |
pdfAttachment | If set to 1 PDF invoices will be set to download; otherwise they will open in browser. |
showDue | If given and set to 1 then the amount due/paid on the invoice will be shown. |
class | Optional CSS class to apply to the table. |
<table width="100%" class="cart orderhistory [[+class]]"><tr><th>Order Number</th><th>Order Date</th><th>Paid</th><th>Shipped</th><th>Status</th></tr>[[+lines]]</table>[[+pagination]]
Placeholder | Description |
lines | The previous order lines as formatted by lineTpl. |
pagination | Pagination widget for moving between multiple pages of order history. |
<tr><td><a href="[[+orderDetailLink]]">[[+orderNumber]]</a></td><td>[[+orderDate]]</td><td>[[+isPaid]]</td><td>[[+isShipped]]</td><td>[[+status]]</td></tr>
Placeholder | Description |
orderDetailLink | Link to the page displaying the full order information. |
orderNumber | The order number. |
orderDate | The date of the order. |
isPaid | Text to indicate if the order has been paid. |
isShipped | Text to indicate if the order has been shipped. |
status | The status information for the order. |