
Available Since: V1.0.0

Displays a users history of orders, to work it must be placed on a document which is accessible by authenticated users. Guest users can only query specific orders using the cart.orderStatus snippet.

Note: The document must be set to allow virtual pages. 

Parameter Description
wrapperTpl The chunk to format the list of previous orders.
lineTpl The chunk to format each line of the previous orders table.
pdfAttachment If set to 1 PDF invoices will be set to download; otherwise they will open in browser.
showDue If given and set to 1 then the amount due/paid on the invoice will be shown.
class Optional CSS class to apply to the table.

Default wrapperTpl Chunk

<table width="100%" class="cart orderhistory [[+class]]"><tr><th>Order Number</th><th>Order Date</th><th>Paid</th><th>Shipped</th><th>Status</th></tr>[[+lines]]</table>[[+pagination]]
Placeholder Description
lines The previous order lines as formatted by lineTpl.
pagination Pagination widget for moving between multiple pages of order history.

Default lineTpl Chunk

<tr><td><a href="[[+orderDetailLink]]">[[+orderNumber]]</a></td><td>[[+orderDate]]</td><td>[[+isPaid]]</td><td>[[+isShipped]]</td><td>[[+status]]</td></tr>
Placeholder Description
orderDetailLink Link to the page displaying the full order information.
orderNumber The order number.
orderDate The date of the order.
isPaid Text to indicate if the order has been paid.
isShipped Text to indicate if the order has been shipped.
status The status information for the order.