
Available Since: V1.0.0

Draws the list of documents for a given tag and manages pagination of the results.

Note: This snippet requires placing on a page that has been set to Allow Virtual Pages.

Parameter Description
root The ID of the document under which all tagged documents will be used, defaults to content:0. The root is in the form module:contentid.
words The number of words to return in the document summary, defaults to 30.
perPage The number of results to show per page, defaults to 10.
summary The fields and the order to use them to create the summary text, defaults to `content,summary,meta_description`.
resultTpl The name of the chunk to wrap each result in.
wrapperTpl The name of the chunk to wrap the results list in.
containerTpl The name of the chunk to contain all the results information.

Default resultTpl Chunk

<li><a href="[[+link]]">[[+title]]</a><p>[[+summary]]</p></li>
Placeholder Description
link The address of the target page.
title The title of the page.
summary The page summary.

Default wrapperTpl Chunk

Placeholder Description
results The HTML for the results list.

Default containerTpl Chunk

<p>[[+numResults]] results found for tag:  "[[+tag]]"</p>[[+results]][[+pagination]]
Placeholder Description
numResults The number of results for the tag.
tag The tag searched for.
pagination The pagination widget.