Available Since: V1.0.0
Draws the list of documents for a given tag and manages pagination of the results.
Note: This snippet requires placing on a page that has been set to Allow Virtual Pages.
Parameter |
Description |
root |
The ID of the document under which all tagged documents will be used, defaults to content:0. The root is in the form module:contentid. |
words |
The number of words to return in the document summary, defaults to 30. |
perPage |
The number of results to show per page, defaults to 10. |
summary |
The fields and the order to use them to create the summary text, defaults to `content,summary,meta_description`. |
resultTpl |
The name of the chunk to wrap each result in. |
wrapperTpl |
The name of the chunk to wrap the results list in.
containerTpl |
The name of the chunk to contain all the results information. |
Default resultTpl Chunk
<li><a href="[[+link]]">[[+title]]</a><p>[[+summary]]</p></li>
Placeholder |
Description |
link |
The address of the target page. |
title |
The title of the page. |
summary |
The page summary. |
Default wrapperTpl Chunk
Placeholder |
Description |
results |
The HTML for the results list. |
Default containerTpl Chunk
<p>[[+numResults]] results found for tag: "[[+tag]]"</p>[[+results]][[+pagination]]
Placeholder |
Description |
numResults |
The number of results for the tag. |
tag |
The tag searched for. |
results |
pagination |
The pagination widget. |