
The navigator snippet can be used to build navigation. The active document is given the CSS class active, optionally all documents in the path to the current document are given the CSS class activeChild.

Parameter Description
start The ID of the document to build the navigation from, defaults to the current page.
depth The depth to traverse to, 0 for the whole tree, defaults to 1.
descendAll Flags if to descend into all child nodes or just the active nodes, defaults to 1.
include Comma separated list of document ids to include e.g. 4,5,20
exclude Comma separated list of document ids to ignore e.g. 3,4,5
sortBy The field to sort the results by e.g. publishedat, defaults to menu order.
sortOrder The order to sort the results in ASC or DESC, defaults to ASC.
limit Limits the number of items per level, 0 for no limit, defaults to 0.
ignoreState 1 to ignore the hide from menu state of the documents, defaults to 0.
customFields Comma separated list of custom fields to return with each item.
wrapperTpl The name of the chunk holding the wrapper template.
itemTpl The name of the chunk holding the template to wrap each item with.
class The CSS class to apply to the outer ul.
trackPath If set to 1 then all documents in the path to the current document are given the class activeChild, defaults to 0.
onEach If given is the name of a snippet to execute for each menu item. The snippet is invoked with the parameter $id set to the ID of the document being added to the menu.
fileSizes If given and set to 1 the file size of static content is returned as size; defaults to 0.
abs If given as 1 then the absolute URL is used.

Default wrapperTpl Chunk

Placeholder Description
child The HTML for child list.

Default itemTpl Chunk

<li [[+classes]]><a href="[[+link]]">[[+menutitle]]</a>[[+child]]</li>
classes Description
child The class to apply to the item, active is applied to the currently active page.
link The address of the page to link to.
menutitle The text to use to link to the page, this is the documents menutitle if present otherwise it's the title.
child The HTML for child menus.
title The documents title.
summary The documents summary.
size The size of the static resource in KB, MB or GB.