start |
The ID of the document to build the navigation from, defaults to the current page. |
depth |
The depth to traverse to, 0 for the whole tree, defaults to 1. |
descendAll |
Flags if to descend into all child nodes or just the active nodes, defaults to 1. |
include |
Comma separated list of document ids to include e.g. 4,5,20 |
exclude |
Comma separated list of document ids to ignore e.g. 3,4,5 |
sortBy |
The field to sort the results by e.g. publishedat, defaults to menu order. |
sortOrder |
The order to sort the results in ASC or DESC, defaults to ASC. |
limit |
Limits the number of items per level, 0 for no limit, defaults to 0. |
ignoreState |
1 to ignore the hide from menu state of the documents, defaults to 0. |
customFields |
Comma separated list of custom fields to return with each item. |
wrapperTpl |
The name of the chunk holding the wrapper template. |
itemTpl |
The name of the chunk holding the template to wrap each item with. |
class |
The CSS class to apply to the outer ul. |
trackPath |
If set to 1 then all documents in the path to the current document are given the class activeChild, defaults to 0. |
onEach |
If given is the name of a snippet to execute for each menu item. The snippet is invoked with the parameter $id set to the ID of the document being added to the menu. |
fileSizes |
If given and set to 1 the file size of static content is returned as size; defaults to 0. |
abs |
If given as 1 then the absolute URL is used. |