
Available Since: V1.4.0

The gallery.infoPage chunk is used when drawing the information page for an image, the default is:

fusionCSS 2

<li class="span-t6 span-s4 span-m3">
	[[if &subject=`[[+link]]` &operator=`!empty` &then=`<a href="[[+link]]"><img src="[[+src]]" alt="[[+title]]" /></a>` &else=`<img src="[[+src]]" alt="[[+title]]" />`]]

Bootstrap 3

<li class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">
	[[if &subject=`[[+link]]` &operator=`!empty` &then=`<a href="[[+link]]"><img src="[[+src]]" alt="[[+title]]" /></a>` &else=`<img src="[[+src]]" alt="[[+title]]" />`]]

Foundation 5

<li class="small-6 medium-4 large-3 columns">
	[[if &subject=`[[+link]]` &operator=`!empty` &then=`<a href="[[+link]]"><img src="[[+src]]" alt="[[+title]]" /></a>` &else=`<img src="[[+src]]" alt="[[+title]]" />`]]
Placeholder Description
link The link to the image target.
title The image title.
src The address of the image.