
Available Since: V1.0.0

The gallery.infoPage chunk is used when drawing the information page for an image, the default is:

[[gallery.image &id=`[[+gallery.imageID]]` &size=`l`]]
[[gallery.album &size=`t` &withLink=`1`]]
Placeholder Description
gallery.title The title of the image.
gallery.menutitle The menu title of the image or gallery.title if none given.
gallery.desc The description supplied with the image.
gallery.imageID The ID of the image being shown.
gallery.tags The tags supplied with the image.
gallery.added The date and time that the image was added to the album.
gallery.uri The link address stored with the image.
gallery.albumTitle The title of the album holding the image.
gallery.shortdesc The short description of the image.