Available Since: V1.1.0
By default the store module assumes that it will be selling to only retail or only wholesale users, however it can be configured to offer those users logged in and with the appropriate wholesaler permission to view and purchase products at a lower wholesale price.
To enable wholesale pricing the wholesale price field of each product and product variation should be set to the required price, next a new content access permission has to be defined. Click Content Perms on the dashboard and then enter wholesaler into the New Short Name field and Wholesaler into the New Description field, the New Access Permission check box should be left checked, click Add Permission.
The next step is to tell the store module the permission that users will require in order to view and purchase at the wholesale prices. Click Settings on the dashboard followed by Store and Store Settings, then in the Wholesale Permission box select the Wholesaler permission that we just created. Then click Update Settings to save the changes.
If the user you are logged in with has been assigned an administrative role then viewing the public interface of the site will now show you the wholesale pricing as the administrative role automatically receives all permissions within the system.
The final steps are choosing which users will be considered wholesalers when they are logged into the front end of the website. If you already have roles defined for your wholesale users then you just need to edit the role and add the Wholesaler permission you created above.
For those without roles currently defined return to the Dashboard, then click Roles. Enter wholesaler in the New Role Name field and Wholesaler into the New Role Description field, then click Add Role to create it.
Now under Content Access check the Wholesaler permission and click Update Role.
At this point everything is configured and it is now just a case of deciding which users will have wholesale pricing applied, to do this return to the Dashboard and select Users, search for a user that you wish to be a wholesaler and edit them. Under Assign User Roles check the Wholesaler role and click Update User.
Now when the user logs in to the website they will be presented with the wholesale pricing. Additional users can be given access to the wholesale pricing simply by being given the Wholesaler role.