CSV Product Import

The store can be maintained by uploading a CSV file which describes the changes to the store catalog.

The CSV file must use , as the field delimiter and " as the test delimiter, the first row must be the names of the columns from the following tables.


Required Columns

Name Description
sku The stock keeping unit.
catid The ID of the category to add the product to.
productcls The ID of the product class used in shipping and tax calculations.
price The price of the product e.g. 12.00
slug The unique slug for the product page within the store.
prodname The name of the product.

Optional Columns

Name Description
salesprice The sale price of the product, if blank then the product will not be shown as on sale.
wholesale The wholesale price of the product, if blank then the product will not be available at wholesale pricing.
width, height, length The dimensions of the product in cm for shipping calculations.
weight The weight of the product in kg for shipping calculations.
stocklevel The quantity of this product currently in stock.
digitaldelivery 1 if the product is delivered digitally.
nogiftwrap 1 if the product can not be gift wrapped.
related Comma separated list of SKUs of products to show as related to this product e.g. GIFT1, GIFT2.
addon Comma separated list of SKUs of products to offer as add-on products to this product e.g. CASE1, CASE2.
meta_title Meta title for the product page.
meta_description Meta description for the product page.
meta_keywords Meta keywords for the product page.
menutitle Title to use for the product in menus rather than its product name.
tags Comma separated list of tags to associate with the product.
imgalt The alt tag text for the product image.
shortdesc The short description of the product, used in search results and other places where a full product description is not appropriate.
disporder Display order information for products within a category the lower the number the sooner the product is drawn within the list.

The visibility of the product:

  • -1 = Delete product
  • 0 = Hide product
  • 1 = Normal product
  • 2 = Featured product

The path to the image to use for the product, the image must be located under the site root

If the image starts http then this is the address to download the image from, the product image is downloaded and stored within the system.

allowbackorder 1 if back orders are allowed for out of stock items. 
moreexpected Date more stock is expected.

Product Variation

Required Columns 

Name Description
sku The stock keeping unit.
parent The SKU of the parent product.
attribs The comma separated list of value IDs that define the variant.
price The price of the product e.g. 12.00
isdefault 1 to make the variant the default for the product.

 Optional Columns

Name Description
salesprice The sale price of the product, if blank then the product will not be shown as on sale.
wholesale The wholesale price of the product, if blank then the product will not be available at wholesale pricing.
width, height, length The dimensions of the product in cm for shipping calculations.
weight The weight of the product in kg for shipping calculations.
stocklevel The quantity of this product currently in stock.
allowbackorder 1 if back orders are allowed for out of stock items. 
moreexpected Date more stock is expected.