Available Since: V1.0.0
Snippet to display a list of related products.
Parameter | Description |
id/sku | Either the ID or the SKU of the product to show the related products of. |
size | The size of the product image to show, one of t (tiny), s (small), m (medium), l (large), defaults to t. |
wrapperCSS | The CSS class to apply to the containing <ul>, defaults to storeProducts. |
itemCSS | The CSS class to apply to the item <li>, defaults to nothing. |
wrapperTpl | The wrapper chunk for the product list output; defaults to store.productListWrap. |
itemTpl | The chunk to format each product in the list; defaults to store.productListItem. |
sortBy | How products should be sorted, one of `added`, `name` or `position`, defaults to `position`. |
order | The direction to order products by, either `DESC` or `ASC`, default to `ASC`. |
showRRP | If given and set to 1 then when displaying products to wholesale customers the normal price is shown as the RRP. |
fields | Comma separated list of field IDs to pass to the itemTpl chunk e.g. &fields=`1,2` will output placeholders [[+field1]] [[+field2]] |
disableMatchHeight | If given as `1` disables attempts to match the heights of product blocks. |